Independent safe sport
Click on the following link to find out more about the AA Hockey model. AA Hockey Tryout Process - Changes as of 31 MAY 2022
Lastly, significant changes have been made to the “Minor Hockey Overage Players Policy.” Changes to the policy include a more defined process for approval and a revised, more specific criterion for applying players to meet. Approved overage players will now be eligible for participation in Hockey Alberta’s Provincial Championships and will be granted the ability to affiliate to a team of a higher division or category for the purposes of skill evaluation to a maximum of five games.
OVER AGE FORM (This online form with Hockey Alberta will not be available until August 2023)
Parent Declaration Form - If you have been registered in hockey prior to moving to Camrose, please complete this online form and put in the following email: This will come directly to the coordinator for processing and once the transfer is completed, you will be notified that registration can be completed in Team Snap.