Financial Assistance Information

If you are applying for any financial assistance, please do so as soon as possible.   

Once you have received confirmation from any program that they will be paying part of the costs, please email confirmation email to so that these funds can be applied to your account. 


 Kid Sport

Applications are being accepted as of May 1, 2024-April 30, 2025 for the 2024-25 hockey season


 You will need to know your players fee amount (found in Registration Information) and have a Notice of Assessment on file to upload.

  • How Families Can Apply:
    • They must register first with your hockey association and have proof of registration to attach to their application 
    • We have 25 KidSport chapters in Oil Country and families will apply through the chapter that covers their home address. If we do not have a local chapter in their area, they can apply through the Provincial Fund
    • See our website for more information: 
  • Funding Rules:
    • Elite Program cap is $3K per kid (Elite = AA and AAA)
    • General ice-hockey and hockey learn to skate registration fees will be funded in full
    • All approved kids receive access to no-cost sport equipment through Sport Central
    • A kid is only eligible for HAP funding once per HAP season (i.e., spring or summer)
  • Programs funded by HAP are defined as ‘Season & Competition based ice hockey programs’ including:
    • Hockey Alberta Based Programs
      • Elite + try out fee
      • Minor Hockey Programs
    • Para Hockey Programs
    • Recreation Programs
    • Pond Programs
    • Shinny Programs
    • Learn to Skate Programs (hockey based)
  • Additional fees NOT funded by the HAP program:
    • Volunteer Opt-Out fees
    • Team fees
    • Tournament fees
    • Transportation
    • Cash calls

Applications are reviewed by KidSport within 30 days. Cheques for approved applications are mailed to the sport club directly within two weeks of the review date. You will receive an email confirming your application result. Please note incomplete applications will delay the process by a minimum of four (4) weeks. 



Hockey Alberta Assist Program   



Good morning.


Today, the Hockey Canada Foundation opened applications for the Hockey Canada Foundation Assist Fund.


The Hockey Canada Foundation Assist Fund was created in response to the many families experiencing financial challenges. The goal of the Fund is to help Canadian youth access hockey and play the game they love.

The Assist Fund will provide up to $500 per player in registration fee subsidies to approved
applicants who are registered with a Hockey Canada- sanctioned association. For the 2024-25 season, the Assist Fund commits to providing $1 million/2,000 assists to kids across Canada to help them access hockey.

Since 2020, the Hockey Canada Foundation Assist Fund has granted over 3.8 million dollars and has given over 8,558 assists.

Applications will remain opened until $1 million of assists have been accepted. Only applications that are submitted with sufficient documentation will be processed and all applications will be assessed on a first come, first served basis. Once this limit has been reached, the Assist Fund application portal will be closed, and no further applications will be accepted for the remainder of the season. In addition, any applications which were submitted but were not assessed prior to the limit being reached will not be approved, regardless of whether they would have otherwise met HCF’s eligibility criteria.





When families need a little financial boost to get kids involved in a sport, dance team or other active program, they need to fill out an application. This needs to be done before the fees are due, as the money goes right to the organization. Applications for assistance can typically be submitted from January 15 to November 1; with the goal for funding to be equitably distributed over Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter activities.

Your family meets our financial need requirements and your kid is registered, but what about the skates/cleats/racquets/gloves/helmets/uniforms they need to play? Not to worry. Jumpstart has you covered. The application asks for equipment details. Funds can also be provided for adaptive equipment to help kids with special needs.  
Some other important points to note as part of the application process:
• Cheques are made payable to the service organization identified as the “Payee” in the application form. The Payee is a service organization (such as a local Hockey Association or gymnastic club) which coordinates the sports or physical activity on behalf of the qualifying youth/child.
• Cheques are never sent to the parent/guardian directly.
• All approvals are at the sole discretion of the local Jumpstart Chapter and designated Canadian Tire Regional Manager; and are subject to local demands and Chapter budgets.
If you have additional questions, call 1-844-YES-PLAY or visit the FAQ Section





The Hockey Canada Foundation Assist Fund was created in response to the many families experiencing financial challenges as a result of COVID-19. The goal of the Fund is to help Canadian youth access hockey and return to the game they love.

With more than $1 million dollars in funding available for the 2021/2022 season, the Assist Fund will provide up to $500 per player in registration fee subsidies to approved applicants who are registered with a Hockey Canada-sanctioned association.

Frequently Asked Questions | Apply for funding | Donate to the Assist Fund


The Hockey Canada Foundation has a vision: Unite Canada through hockey

There are moments that define us. That define Canada. That touch the essence of what it means to be Canadian. Pulling a hockey sweater over our head. Tightening the laces on a child’s skates. A first goal, arms raised in celebration. A medal. A moment.

As players, coaches, parents and fans, we share a passion for hockey. The Hockey Canada Foundation was created to fuel that passion. To keep alive our history. To encourage future generations to continue building our sense of community and country.

Your support for the Hockey Canada Foundation will help us share the game with all who share this land. It is a legacy - your legacy. It is built on history and will shape our future.

Learn more about the Hockey Canada Foundation


About Hockey Canada

Hockey Canada is the governing body for hockey in Canada and a member of the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF), with a membership through its 13 Member associations of over 750,000 players, coaches and officials. 

Hockey Canada is a not-for-profit organization that creates leading-edge hockey development programs for its Members to deliver in communities across Canada. It provides consistent rules and regulations and various other membership services from coast to coast to coast; manages numerous regional, national and international hockey championships and events; and leads the operation of all teams that represent Canada in international competition. 

The mission of Hockey Canada is to lead, develop and promote positive hockey experiences.

Learn more about Hockey Canada




Mission Statement

To provide opportunities to young female hockey players who have a desire to play, but are unable to for financial reasons.

Our Vision

To lead and inspire the movement to grow female hockey across the Nation.

Meet Our Team

The Grindstone team is comprised of a diverse group of people committed to giving back to our hockey community. Our volunteer members are the driving force behind all the work we do. Our individual leadership and collective efforts result in the success we have today. The Grindstone Award would like to extend its thanks to all of our members for the important work they do!







Upcoming Events

Mar. 24, 2025 to Mar. 27, 2025

Spring Skill Camps
Max McLean Arena

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Apr. 19, 2025 to Apr. 20, 2025

Spring ID Camps
Spring ID Camps to be hosted for all Mainstream U11 AA, U13 AAA, U15 AA and U18AA/U16 AA teams along with U13 AA Female and U15 ...

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RAMP Registration

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RAMP Websites

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RAMP Team App

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